Unique Approach & Experience

Jeffrey J. Merrick, Esq. has been practicing law in California for over twenty-five years, with national law firm litigation experience leading to several years of criminal defense practice. He specializes in alternative sentencing through the courts. He has worked in addiction and mental health treatment, which often comes into play in advocating for client recovery and other alternatives to criminal punishment. The usual form of punishment for criminal defendants, and especially those with alcohol and drug-related charges, is jail and even prison sentences.

Jeffrey works quickly with a client facing a criminal case, analyzing all potential charges and preparing the best possible defense. He knows that these charges often can throw a client and family into fear and crisis, threatening the client’s rights, freedom, reputation, record, the ability to move forward in an academic or professional career. This is why every client’s unique goals and needs are discussed upfront, alongside the legal issues presented.

Jeffrey is known for very skilled and effective defense work, creative resolution of complex cases and care advocacy on the local and national level. He partners for client success with some of the best behavioral and mental health experts, treatment professionals and recovery programs in the country. He brings to this work the spark of his personal longterm recovery and is dedicated to helping families and clients move from crisis to better health and wellness. Contact

Winning Strategies – Winning Cases

Jeffrey knows that with today’s overworked and often overzealous prosecutors, criminal cases need to be challenged factually, substantively and procedurally.  There are requirements and protections that must be observed and which are sometimes overlooked. A technical defect in a search, for instance, a breathalizer reading that can be just as unreliable as a witness’ statement.

Not all lab results or police officers are trustworthy, and witness statements can be notoriously unreliable. Sometimes otherwise reliable and even damning evidence needs to be tossed out of court because it was unfairly or illegally obtained. Every person is entitled to a vigorous and aggressive defense to make sure their rights and civil liberties are protected.

Clients facing criminal charges in California need a seasoned and highly skilled attorney to build  all available defenses and to keep the prosecution to its burdens or proof, challenging every weakness and defect and ensuring that improper evidence gets thrown out.

Sometimes the largest criminal cases are won and even dismissed outright prior to trial based on the facts and evidence presented by a skilled defense attorney like Jeffrey.  Often these defects become the basis for a greatly reduced sentence or plea, as prosecutors are much more likely to enter serious plea negotiations where the weaknesses of their cases are identified and discussed. Sometimes cases are resolved through plea bargaining and pre-trial negotiations with the prosecutor. Often a defense victory comes from strategic pre-trial law and motion work and effective advocacy with the judge. Jeffrey guides his clients to best case resolution by building a solid plan of action and a winning defense strategy.

Alternative Sentencing Specialist

Jeffrey helps clients determine not only whether there are solid defenses and grounds for winning their cases, but evaluates as well whether there are alternative sentencing options that may be available. The good news is that these options are intended to be, and often turn out to be, life-changing for those who need them. Jeffrey’s experience working in the addictions professionals and treatment communities translate into court and probation approved treatment plans. He is known for creating creative alternatives to punishment that personalize his clients’ needs and that present a structured plan for recovery that meets with the approval of  judges, prosecutors, probation and parole officers.

Putting a “face with the case” and advocating for client care can be critical in overcoming the biases against a client who is, after all, just another criminal defendant of several before the district attorney and the court on any given day. In terms of bias, keep in mind that the prosecutor doesn’t just suspect guilt – he or she is convinced by the time the complaint is filed that there guilt can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

The courts are not social workers or recovery programs. Even when the charge are  clearly the result of underlying addiction or mental health disorders the main focus of the prosecutor is punishment for whatever criminal behavior is charged. Sadly, many defendants who are severely drug, alcohol and mental health disordered commit serious offenses and, not surprisingly, they also get severely punished.

The bias is in favor of guilt and punishment and most defendants and their attorneys do little to present any real alternative or explanation for their behavior. Despite the presumption of innocence we are all guaranteed, the reality is that the judge for you or your loved one, and sometimes the jury, are going to have to be convinced of it.

Fortunately, alternative sentencing starts with another bias – the one in favor of treatment and rehabilitation and against criminal punishment. A skilled criminal defense attorney and former big firm litigator like Jeffrey  presents creative, well-crafted and appropriate alternatives to punishment. He stays focused and in close collaboration with clients and families not just on the legal case but on the broader need of his clients’ health and wellness.

Here, the real freedom of recovery can be the goal and the result for families as well as their loved one facing criminal charges. The usual adversaries in the courtroom can become partners in the recovery process, helping rather than prosecuting a loved one and bridging him or her to necessary treatment. Contact

Alternative Sentencing in California

Alternative sentencing in California is most often available in felony and misdemeanor drug cases where there is no sales or trafficking allegation, but it can also be available in other types of cases such as theft cases and domestic violence cases. If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges that could result in jail or prison time, it is critical that you seek the services of an experienced California criminal defense attorney like Jeffrey who understands the range and scope of the best alternative sentencing options.

Together you will explore all options and decide on a plan of action that meets your needs, consulting with your support network and family wherever possible. For some clients, this means partnering as well with recovery professionals and treatment programs who can help make a persuasive case for necessary care instead of jail. Jeffrey will present to the prosecutor and the judge your best case for recovery alongside your strongest defenses,  bringing in partners in recovery for those who need it. A solid plan of action that serves the real needs and treatment goals of the client is presented and approved. .

In many cases the net result is that a client’s “mandatory” jail sentence can be served without jail or prison time. For other cases, where there is some non-negotiable and unavoidable jail or prison time, significant reductions of sentences are not only possible, but probable when handled by the right attorney. Jeffrey often wins for these clients the approval of prosecutors and courts for creative alternatives to otherwise lengthy jail and prison sentences. Home monitoring and home detention, for instance, or time spent recovering in certain court-approved treatment programs, may qualify as time served even though little to none of it is actually spent in a correctional facility.

Alternative sentencing options are a win-win for both those convicted of crimes and the criminal justice system. This type of sentencing reduces overcrowding in jails and prisons, and helps give offenders, especially first-time offenders, a critically important opportunity to enter treatment and get their lives back. There are other benefits to consider. Avoiding all the damaging and lasting effects of a drug conviction on a client’s record, for instance. Sometimes a drug conviction turns that “dream job” into a non-starter. Or maybe it’s the final round of an admission decision at the college or graduate program you’ve been working toward, and the other candidate, the one without the criminal record, is the safer bet.

These longterm considerations are of serious importance and need to be brought into a strong defense strategy from the start. Jeffrey is a highly skilled alternative sentencing specialist who will make sure you receive the maximum allowable benefit of the doubt, the benefits of all available rights and remedies and the second chance we all deserve.Contact

Alternative sentencing can be implemented pursuant to one of several formal programs created by California voters and the California legislature. These programs get put in place through a plea agreement negotiated by a defendant’s attorney and the prosecutor in a given case, then approved and often supervised by the court. Skilled attorneys specializing in this area know that there has to be some meaningful involvement and advocacy for client care by the treatment program the client has entered or wants to enter. Here, liaison and care advocacy needs to be first rate and must be coordinated from the beginning of the case throughout the course of treatment by an attorney like Jeffrey who is knowledgeable not just about treatment but also about what the court, prosecutors and probation will require.

The California Legislature has determined that drug offenders should receive rehabilitation and support in their recovery rather than criminal punishment in the form of jail and prison time, long-lasting convictions on their records and the stigma and other consequences of being branded a “criminal”, a “convict” or “felon.”  While this policy is the law and alternatives to punishment are specifically authorized, they are not automatic and will not be pursued in any meaningful way for you as a criminal defendant by overworked prosecutors or the crowded courts.

Alternative sentencing in California is not always an option for everyone.  Factors that a judge may consider in determining whether or not a defendant is an appropriate candidate for alternative sentencing that may preclude the defendant from being granted alternative sentencing may include:

  • whether the defendant has committed a serious or violent crime such as sexual assault, robbery, murder;
  • the defendant’s history of prior convictions;
  • crimes that involve the use of a weapon; and
  • whether the defendant poses a risk to himself/herself or others.

Depending on the circumstances surrounding the crime or offense, alternative sentencing is not only an option for many misdemeanor crimes, but also for some felony offenses.  If the defendant is not a violent felon and has not committed a crime that prohibits probation, alternative sentencing may be considered by the prosecutor and the court.
The judge may choose to assign you one or more of these alternative sentences instead of the statutorily defined jail time for your crime.  It will be up to your attorney to offer the right combination of alternatives that the judge and prosecutor will accept instead of jail time.  It is up to you to choose the attorney who can best represent your interests and who will connect you with the best treatment program or other authorized alternative to jail.
The court will take into consideration the following factors, each of which needs to be presented by a skilled attorney like Jeffrey Merrick who specializes in this area and who can advocate for your specific needs and circumstances:

  • The defendant’s risks and needs;
  • The nature and circumstances of the crime charged;
  • The defendant’s history, character, and condition; and
  • The necessity of imprisonment for protection of the public.

If the defendant is granted some form of alternative sentencing, there are a number of ways that it can be carried out, depending on what is determined to be in the best interests of the defendant and the community, and in consideration of the type of charge the defendant is facing.  Some of the most common forms of alternative sentencing options include the following:

  • House arrest
  • Electronic monitoring
  • Community service
  • Weekend jail
  • Therapy
  • Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings
  • Drug Court
  • DUI Court
  • Outpatient or Residential Alcohol / Drug Rehabilitation Programs
  • Supervised or unsupervised probation
  • Behavioral management programs to address anger, theft, violence and other impulse control issues.
  • Deferred Entry of Judgment also known as PC-1000  (Section 1000 of the California Penal Code)
  • Formal Drug Probation also known as Proposition 36
  • Mental Health Diversion: court-supervised treatment instead of further criminal prosecution and threat of incarceration. Case gets dismissed after completion of treatment. No conviction on client’s public record.
Plan of Action

Alternative sentencing programs can be a life-changing fresh start. These programs help defendants keep their jobs, go back to school, and get back to their lives outside of jail. Their time is still served, but in more alternative ways, which often translates to more appropriate venues where they can get the real help they may need.

These sentences are not automatic, however, and there are presumptions working against today’s criminal defendant, especially those with mental health, drug and alcohol problems. There are many prosecutors and judges more inclined to imposing jail time, and there are victims whose interests need to be addressed proactively and swiftly. It is important to partner early on with an alternative sentencing specialist like Jeffrey to present a persuasive case to the prosecutor, the judge and probation for alternatives to the usual criminal punishment which typically means jail and even prison time.

Facing the unknown consequences of drug charges often presents a client with serious obstacles to overcome in their personal and professional lives. With the help of a skilled and experienced attorney, the client succeeds and the case is resolved, often without any jail or prison time. Instead, the case is resolved through strategic partnership with the court, prosecutor and treatment professionals, and with the client’s needs and circumstances communicated clearly to all concerned. These are all aspects of a winning alternative sentencing strategy, but to be effective they need to be discussed with your attorney as soon as possible, ideally before the criminal complaint gets filed. It s critical to engage as early as possible with a seasoned defense attorney like Jeffrey who is knowledgeable about  treatment planning, alternatives to sentencing and  who has proven results with judges and prosecutors.

In addition to being an interventionist and attorney, Jeffrey  is a well-respected member of the addiction professionals, treatment and recovery communities. This helps bridge clients who need drug, alcohol and  mental health treatment to programs that match their needs. Jeffrey helps clients  building a treatment plan that will win the approval of the prosecutor, the court and probation. His goal is to keep clients out of jail, protect their good name and reputation, and ensure that they are able to keep their jobs, go back to school, and get that second chance everyone deserves.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a drug crime in California, or just need assistance in finding the right treatment program or addiction professional, reach out  for a confidential consultation. Contact

Drug Charges in California

California has the highest number of arrests in the country of individuals possessing a controlled substance. If drugs are found in your possession you may be charged by law enforcement with drug sales (possession with intent to sell) as well, even if the drugs were for your own personal use. The differences in the charges that can be brought against you for drug crimes are extreme.  You could be looking at a virtual slap on the wrist or several years behind bars.

Penalties for a drug charge are based on the type and amount of drug in your possession, intent to sell, or distribute, your past criminal arrests and the circumstances surrounding your case.

As discussed above, alternative sentencing is sometimes the best option to avoid or reduce otherwise significant time in jail or prison. Other cases may need to be fought aggressively in court and may be won based on motions, plea bargaining once the weaknesses of the prosecution’s case are exposed, and some cases will need to go to trial by a judge or jury.

A seasoned, knowledgeable and solution- focused criminal defense attorney like Jeffrey Merrick  can make all the difference in your drug possession case.  He has extensive courtroom experience as a trial lawyer for a national law firm and specializes in the defense of California drug, alcohol and mental health-related cases. His expertise is in alternative sentencing and he is known for providing clients, families and the courts with straightforward, creative alternatives to punishment. Sometimes these are the solutions that not only keep a client out of jail but help him or her get their lives back.  Contact

Under the Influence & Possession Charges

If you have been charged with being under the influence of a controlled substance, a violation of California Health and Safety Code Section 11550(a), it is important for you to understand the elements of this crime.  The following is a brief description of the crime.

In order to show that you violated California Health and Safety Code Section 11550, the prosecutor must first prove that you “willfully” used a “controlled substance,” and second, that you were under the “influence” of the “controlled substance”.   Each of these quoted legal terms is further described below.

What is a controlled substance?

The essential element of this crime is the usage of a controlled substance. HS Section 11150(a) defines a “controlled substance” as a narcotic drug and substance defined under California Health and Safety Code Sections 11054 & 11055, which include the following drugs:

Cocaine, and
A “controlled substance” can also be a prescription drug such as codeine, morphine, or hydrocodone if they are obtained without a prescription or not used in accordance with that prescription.

What is under the influence of a controlled substance?

A person is under the influence of a controlled substance if, after using it, “the substance has appreciably affected the nervous system brain muscles or other parts of the person’s body or is creating in them any perceptible, or abnormal, mental or physical condition.” CALJIC 16.060
Here, the prosecutor only has to show that you used the drug and are under the influence of the drug in any detectable manner. The prosecution does not need to show that you were impaired or that you engaged in any other misconduct.
To be under the influence of a controlled substance, the prosecutor must further show that your use of the drug was current, e.g., your use of the drug occurred “immediately prior to arrest.” It is unclear what the courts mean by “immediately prior to arrest,” but it takes a skillful and knowledgeable attorney like Jeffrey Merrick to develop and advance your best defenses when facing these charges. Contact

What is willful use of a controlled substance?

If the prosecution can show you were under the influence of a controlled substance, they must show that the use was “willful.”  This generally means that you intended to use the drug, e.g., your use of the drug was voluntary.  It is not willful use if for instance you are at a bar and someone puts a narcotic in your drink without your knowledge.

What is the punishment if convicted under HS Section 11550?

If you are convicted under Health and Safety Code Section 11550, it is a misdemeanor crime that carries the following punishments:

  • A minimum of 90 days to one year in county jail
  • Up to five years of informal probation
  • Drug counseling
  • Community service or labor

What are my defenses to a HS Section 11550 charge?

The most common defense is to show that you didn’t use a controlled substance. If the arresting officer fails to find a controlled substance in your possession and they fail to drug test you, your defense attorney can argue that you weren’t under the influence but suffering from some other physical condition that affected your behavior.
As mentioned above, if you didn’t willfully ingest a controlled substance because you were surreptitiously drugged by another then you didn’t voluntarily use the drug and cannot be convicted of violating Health and Safety Code Section 11550.
If you have a valid prescription for the drug and you used the drug in accordance with the prescription, you cannot be prosecuted for this crime.
If you or a loved one has been charged with violation of Health and Safety Code Section 11550, or any other crime, and you would like more information about your rights and options, please reach out for a confidential consultation with Jeffrey Merrick. Contact

What is PC-1000 Drug Diversion?

In PC-1000 drug diversion cases in California, also referred to as Deferred Entry of Judgment or “DEJ” for short, a defendant will plead guilty to the drug charge and the judge will delay sentencing or judgment of a finding of guilt for eighteen (18) months.

What Is The Timeframe for PC-1000 and DEJ?

For the first five to six (5-6) months the defendant will undergo substance abuse counseling and random drug testing. Thereafter, the defendant is placed on twelve (12) months of unsupervised probation.

If the defendant successfully completes the initial five to six months of counseling and testing and manages not to pick up any new criminal cases during the remaining twelve (12) months of probation, the case is ultimately dismissed and will not appear on the person’s criminal record as a conviction.

Who is Eligible for the PC-1000 Drug Diversion Program?

The PC-1000 drug diversion program is generally available to drug offenders who are charged with simple possession or being under the influence, and who have not had a previous drug conviction or to those who have successfully completed the PC-1000 program more than five (5) years prior to the current arrest.

If you are not eligible for PC-1000 because you are charged with a more serious drug charge such as Possession for Sales or Transportation of Narcotics, a skilled criminal defense attorney and alternative sentencing specialist like Jeffrey Merrick may be able to get your charge reduced to a less serious possession-related charge that may make you eligible for PC-1000.

What is Proposition 36 Probation?

In the Proposition 36 probation program, the drug offender will enter a plea to the drug charge and as a condition of probation. He or she will also be ordered to complete up to three (3) years of drug treatment and counseling as proscribed by the probation department.
Success in these cases depends very much on effective assistance of the attorney, as well as strategic partnership with the treatment program, the prosecutor, the court and probation. Most of all, success depends on the client’s willingness to commit to meaningful change. Sometimes, as discussed above, criminal charges are really an invitation to change, and the missing willingness to accept that invitation comes through intervention strategy and planning. Contact

Jeff Merrick is like no other Substance Abuse Professional that I have ever had the opportunity to work with – being that he is both an Intervention Specialist and Attorney at Law. This combination has proven extremely beneficial to many of our clients. Jeff has always provided incredibly insightful direction to my clients facing legal challenges. Jeff is one of those incredibly passionate and caring professionals that will help me and guide me with legal challenges even when he wasn’t going to take on the case himself. Those are ethics. That is true passion for helping others. With respects to being an Intervention Specialist, Jeff is extremely knowledgeable, trusted, respected and ethical. He is respected in his professionalism, and his follow through with families is impeccable. Jeff is an overall incredible professional who I would highly recommend to any family in need of his specific services.

Christopher Bennett, CADC-II, CIP, BRI-I
Chris Bennett Interventions

One of the most principled, innovative and effective attorneys I have ever worked with. The real deal.

Ed Spatola
New Found Life

The complex and critical manner in which successful interventions are expedited depends solely on the knowledge and experience of the interventionist. The intervention is the suffering person’s first step of surrender into the recovery process. Jeff Merrick is professional, compassionate, extremely knowledgeable, and most importantly, invested in the recovery process of the addict and the addict’s family.

Wildwood Recovery

I have worked with Mr. Merrick in both capacities on a professional level and find his approach and experience extremely beneficial when dealing with people in crisis.

Simon Stone
Cornerstone of Southern California

I met and worked Jeff Merrick several years ago and immediately could see he had a great passion for his work. His ability to connect with and guide families in tough times was impressive. Jeff is armed with a very unique set of skills and continues to perfect merging them. His legal background with his family work and his intervention skills are what makes what he does so special. Jeff’s work does not end when he drops off a client, actually it has just begun. He follows-up on the client and when possible will show up to support and assist if a client needs it. It’s a pleasure knowing Jeff personally as well as working with him professionally.

Manny Rodriguez
Director, La Fuente Hollywood Treatment Center

Jeffrey Merrick is one of the best. Whether you are having a legal problem or your loved one needs an intervention for substance abuse and/or mental health, Mr Merrick navigates with skill, grace and compassion. I would not hesitate in hiring him.

Dr. Louise Stanger, Ed.D, LCSW, BRI II, CIP
Founder/Director, All About Interventions

I am a Licensed Social Worker and Interventionist that works in the mental health and substance abuse field for over a decade. For the last several years I have collaborated with Jeff Merrick with many complex cases. I am pleased to give Mr. Merrick my highest endorsement. Jeff always goes above and beyond to help my clients and their families. He’s fantastic on keeping our clients informed with every aspect of the cases. Jeff demonstrates a sophisticated knowledge of case law, navigates well with the courts, and the intricacies that are involved. He’s always extremely responsive by email and phone, responding immediately every time. When my clients and their families engage with Mr. Merrick they are very lucky to have him working for them.

Jonathan Rauch, LMSW, CASAC-T, CIP
CDI Interventions

I have worked with Jeff Merrick for almost 12 years now. The clients I have referred him have not only had great outcomes with court issues but also and more importantly Jeff assists client in their recovery. His intervention work is as excellent as his legal expertise. He assists families in helping their loved one get back on the right path. Jeff definitely has the client’s best interest at heart in both of his areas of expertise.

Ashton Abernethy
AVA Billing & Consulting

Over the past ten years I have worked on numerous client cases with Jeffrey Merrick. I can honestly say that I have never met a man that cares so much about the families and clients he represents. Jeffrey will go above and beyond to make sure his client’s needs are met. He is one of the most honest and ethical men I have ever had the pleasure of working with, he will never compromise his values and will never lead a person down the wrong path.

The combination of personal and professional experience give him with the utmost competence to fight addiction head on. Whether he is representing the family or the client, they will always have the best possible care.

Kim Self, M.A.

Jeff Merrick is a long awaited hope in this industry. He has both the intervention and professional legal experience to help clients navigate their darkest hours and emerge hopeful, with a plan for recovery. I have worked with Jeff and would recommend him to anyone.

Jamie C. Vance
Addiction Professional

With the current landscape of the criminal justice system, now more than ever we need more professionals like Jeffrey Merrick. Mr. Merrick is a skilled criminal defense attorney and interventionist. Often the first time we are able to identify there is a concern regarding substance use or mental health the individual in need has recently has interaction with law enforcement. Mr. Merrick helps navigate the criminal justice system in a professional and compassionate way. We as a society are not able to incarcerate our way out of mental health epidemic. Alternative sentencing options used by Mr. Merrick are essential for helping those in need.

Adam McClean
Sabino Recovery / National Care Advocate

Jeffrey has repeatedly demonstrated a level of competence and professionalism that is rare in the Addiction Recovery industry. His legal expertise combined with his depth of knowledge of the dynamics of addiction, makes Jeffrey uniquely qualified to serve as an advocate for treatment as an alternative to incarceration when a clien’s case is being adjudicated. I have thoroughly enjoyed my relationship with Jeffrey and I look forward to our continued collaboration.

Rick Hubbard
Origins Recovery Centers

Jeffrey is a compassionate, skilled attorney and interventionist who combines great training with an uncanny ability to motivate complex cases towards change. This ability coupled with his legal practice has been instrumental in helping clients of mine get access to the help they need. It is the presence of someone as caring as Jeffrey who carries the appropriate leverage that can make the difference in the difficult Interventions. I strongly endorse and recommend him. He is as good as it gets!

John Morris
Reach Aftercare

I have known Jeffrey Merrick for the past 6 years on a professional and personal level. I have partnered with him on multiple cases and he is always my first call when it comes to advocating for my clients with the courts. He navigates the legal system with deftness and ease, guiding the families with whom we have worked into long term solution. Whenever I think of Jeffrey, I think of a man who is caring, fair, ethical and does whatever he can to help the families he works with move past the problem and into the solution. There are few people that I will summarily recommend, but Jeffrey is one of them.

Sean Firtel, RAS, CIP
Interventionist. CEO & Founder, West Coast Recovery Centers

Jeffrey Merrick is an excellent interventionist, attorney, and legal advocate in support of treatment and recovery. I have had the pleasure to work side by side with Jeffrey on multiple cases, in which his ability to address legal concerns, communicate effectively with district attorneys, navigate the criminal justice system, and act as a liaison to the court on behalf of his clients, all come together to create an extraordinary skill — and one that is much needed in the field of addiction intervention. Jeffrey is also an excellent interventionist in his own right, who is passionate about recovery and dedicated to the families he works with. I am honored to call Jeffrey both a colleague and a friend.

Jenny Rodin
Hope Interventions

I know Jeff Merrick as a personal friend, and as an accomplished professional as a lawyer and interventionist. I can state absolutely that Jeff offers his clients a unique and exceptional background of knowledge, integrity and professionalism. Jeff is one of the few individuals that I have absolute confidence in, and I routinely refer to. On a personal level, Jeff represents the qualities of great moral character and intellect demanded of a professional in the law, as well as in the addiction treatment community. Jeff’s dedication to our profession, and his demeanor reflect well on him, and I believe brings great credit to the legal community and addiction treatment community. I strongly recommend Jeff to all who need his help.

M. David (Mick) Meagher, Esq.
Attorney At Law, Interventionist

Jeffrey Merrick is one of the rare attorneys who is not only professionally invested in his clients’ cases, but also emotionally invested in his clients’ lives. Jeffrey is the first person on my speed dial to collaborate with on cases where clients need diversion or alternative sentencing options. He is passionate and committed to client’s recovery and I’ve personally worked with Jeffrey in obtaining successful outcomes for clients in need of recovery resources, placement and intervention. He has always been a great resource for myself and my clients and I am pleased to call him a trusted colleague.

Nafisé Nina Hodjat, Esq.
Managing Attorney, DUI Partners

I have worked with Jeff Merrick on a few matters and have always found him to be the ultimate professional interventionist. His skills are made even more effective because of his compassion and commitment to his clients. Jeff brings years of experience and expertise to the table, and is also a genuinely concerned, caring individual who miraculously always seems to be able to be there when needed. His huge success appears effortless, but is clearly a result of extreme dedication and skills.

Edward C. Stark, Esq.
Attorney At Law / Professor of Law / Cron, Israels & Stark

Jeffrey Merrick was a great person to find in this industry. The combination of interventionist and attorney-at-law is ideal for many of our clients. I have worked closely with Mr. Merrick on both mental health and drug and alcohol abuse cases where his communication, his assistance to the family and my program was above and beyond. He resolved the case and allowed our patient to stay in treatment with minimal interruption. Working with Mr. Merrick is also a pleasure – he is funny, witty and truly cares about what he does.

Lindsey M. Means
Chief Operating Officer, A Mission for Michael

Jeff is a consummate professional who possesses integrity and compassion when dealing with clients. I have worked with him personally and professionally. I highly recommend Jeffrey Merrick.

David Mallow
Recovery GPS

Jeffrey Merrick is one of the most capable interventionists and treatment facilitators I have come into contact with since I started working at the Prescott House 15 years ago. We specialize in complex dual diagnosis clients and most of our clients come from out of state. A lot of our clients are in need of an intervention process and many have legal issues as well as a result of their behaviors. I feel that Jeffrey is the Swiss-Army knife of interventionists because he can  operate at so many levels. His standing as an attorney can prove to be quite useful in persuading the criminal justice system to consider treatment instead of incarceration. Jeffrey is very adept in the tricky intervention environment and is able to break through the sometimes elaborate walls of denial that those in need of treatment build around themselves. He is also able to help fractured families to begin the healing process. I would definitely recommend his services as a consultant, a legal advocate or an interventionist.

Dave Frey
Admissions Facilitator, Prescott House

I have been a recovery professional for several years and routinely recommend my friend and colleague Jeff Merrick to clients and families in crisis. He is a committed, knowledgeable and seasoned attorney who consistently gets great results for his clients and motivates them to make better choices. Where the client has substance abuse or mental health disorders, and so often these days clients are struggling with both, Jeff is a strong voice in the courtroom for client care and alternative sentencing. Jeff is also one of the best interventionists in the field and an invaluable resource not just to families with treatment resistant loved ones, but to the treatment programs they go to. He stays connected to the clients and families he works with, and understands that intervention, like recovery, is a process and a family affair.

Meg Higgins, CADAC
Certified Drug & Alcohol Counselor

I’ve been fortunate to have worked with Jeff on several occasions and usually the more difficult cases. What makes Jeff so effective is his breadth of experience. As an interventionist and lawyer with years of his own personal recovery, Jeff is uniquely qualified to handle any and all aspects of the intervention process. Jeff is very compassionate and works equally well with clients and their families.  With a very large network of substance abuse and mental health professionals, Jeff is able to ensure that the best possible treatment is available. I highly recommend you give Jeff a call.

Jerry Rude
Director, Life Adjustment Team, Outpatient Programs

Jeff Merrick provides a unique combination of expertise and skills to clients facing and professionals treating substance use and mental health disorders. Being a seasoned criminal defense attorney and alternative sentencing specialist allows Jeff to partner with the courts, bridging clients out of the criminal justice system and into necessary treatment. From extensive training and practice of intervention, Jeff understands and provides for the motivational and social needs of his clients and their families. Add to this Jeff’s personal and professional commitment to recovery and you will find a professional uniquely prepared to help clients and families facing the most difficult situations.

David Lisonbee
CEO & President, Twin Town Treatment Center

Having strong and cohesive relationships with other professionals working in the addiction and mental health field are vital for the health of my clients. The ease in collaborating with Jeff is one reason we frequently call on him. His combination of legal skill and compassionate interventions can be difficult to find in one person. Additionally, Jeff’s dedicated follow through has proven valuable for the long-term needs this vulnerable population often require.

Carson Winn, LCSW
Alo House Recovery Centers

I have been a colleague with Jeffrey Merrick in the field of Addiction Recovery for many years. We have had close communication in assisting many members of the community through his Professional Intervention services to get help and stay the course through treatment. I have had on many occasions some clients needing legal assistance which he has guided them through with care and precision. I would highly recommend the services of both intervention and legal assistance from Jeffrey. He is a devoted professional in our field.

Samantha Stone
Cornerstone of Southern California

I have known Jeff Merrick for ten years and have worked with him in many capacities. Jeff has a gift for working with families and directing them towards the healthy change that is needed for them to grow. As a gifted attorney, Jeff has the ability to also intervene on complex legal cases that so many times are an added roadblock to recovery. He is an honest and ethical man who I would recommend to anybody struggling with an addicted loved one and the legal consequences of their behaviors.

Kathy Oyler, CIP, CAT
Divine Interventions
Confidential Case Consult

If you or someone you love needs help with any of these matters, including help for a substance abuse /or mental health problem, and so often these days they come together, there is a solution. Through creative partnership and teamwork, and aggressive steps in the preparation of a winning defense, there are not only alternatives to incarceration, but sentencing that helps clients get their lives back.

Often this process starts with a family member or friend who wants to get their loved one back, and experience has shown that strategic partnership here is a highly effective form of intervention. External motivation for change may never again be so high and there often can be strategic re-alignment of current adversaries in the criminal justice system.

Skillful and experienced care advocacy can transform the prosecutor, court, probation and even the jails into effective partners in motivating change for the criminal defendant who is in truth not a criminal but rather your son or daughter, your best friend, your mother. Missed opportunity for intervention should never be an option. Very few attorneys, however skilled, are also professional interventionists like Jeffrey who has worked in the treatment industry, specializes in alternative sentencing and is in personal longterm recovery.

If you or anyone you love could benefit from some guidance and assistance, connect with Jeffrey for a confidential consultation. Contact