Jeffrey J. Merrick, Esq.

Jeffrey J. Merrick, Esq. is a criminal defense attorney and interventionist in Los Angeles, California. He is a graduate cum laude of the University of San Diego School of Law, a practicing member of the California Bar since 1990 and a former trial lawyer for a national law firm. His undergraduate degree was with honors in Psychology and Literature & Writing from the University of California at San Diego.

Jeffrey specializes in the defense of mental health, drug and alcohol-related cases. His expertise is in care advocacy and alternative sentencing through the courts. Jeffrey excels at building the strategic partnerships and creative alliances required to win cases, inspire real change and promote client and family healing. He is known as a strong voice in and outside the courtroom for client care and alternatives to criminal punishment. He is a respected  member of the addictions professionals, treatment and recovery communities. He is a frequent speaker on best practices and care advocacy at  local and national treatment conferences.. He routinely collaborates with some of the best programs, experts and practitioners in the country

Jeffrey is also a professional interventionist with over fifteen years of experience in the field facilitating behavioral and mental health interventions. He has several years of in-house counsel as well as treatment and intervention planning experience for national recovery programs. His legal and treatment program backgrounds often come into play as he helps employers, spouses, parents and families formulate a winning intervention strategy and plan of action.

Jeffrey is a member of NII, the Network of Independent Interventionists, which means he is not affiliated with, nor receives any financial consideration from, treatment programs or other involved professionals. This maintains the professional autonomy and ethical distance required to recommend only those treatment programs that are best suited to the client’s and family’s specific needs. Jeffrey brings to his work extensive knowledge about the many moving parts of complex family systems, treatment and intervention. He also brings to this work the spark of his personal longterm recovery.

Jeffrey provides a broad range of  support for clients and families throughout the treatment and recovery process. He works well with all ages and with a variety of complex client needs. For the client entering treatment, he provides care advocacy, family coaching, treatment consultation and care planning. For the client in treatment, Jeffrey provides case management, court liaison and client support. For the client completing treatment, he provides ongoing support services ranging from alcohol monitoring to outpatient and sober living home placement. He is known for his heart-centered approach and for staying invested in the success of the clients and families he serves.

Case consultations are free of charge and totally confidential. Contact

I was so lost before running in to Jeffrey. He was referred through a colleague that is an attorney but doesn’t quite have the same resources as Jeffrey. He was very helpful working my friend through rehab and guiding our family through this treacherous process. He is an Excellent resource to have.

Grace J.
Mount Hope, Kansas

Today is the eve of my second year of recovery. I want to thank Jeff Merrick for the important role he played in a critical time in my early recovery. He helped me put my recovery first, introduced me to the local recovery community and helped me prevail in an extended professional licensing board action and investigation that threatened to take away my ability to practice medicine. He helped me build a positive record and plan of action, advocated for my continuing recovery and helped me continue the work I am meant to do. He also helped me liaison and strategize with an impressive array of other professionals and experts to present a winning case. I am grateful for his patient, loving and honest support and encouragement for me to grow and keep moving forward. Anyone needing his expert assistance should know they can count on him and that he truly cares about their success not just as clients but as human beings.

Dr. Stewart L., MD
Hancock Park, California

Jeffrey has truly been a blessing to our family during a very stressful and uncertain time with our daughter. Jeffrey has been working with us as an interventionist and care advocate since July, 2018. 

He has always shown compassion and commitment to helping our family through many trials. He always brings integrity and calm to formulating interventions. He has an amazing resource network of treatment facilities and care advocates all across the country. He is very thoughtful in alignment of treatment facilities that best meet his clients’ needs. He cares deeply about his clients and is always ready to help in any way he can.

You are never prepared when dealing with an adult child with addiction and Jeffrey brings wisdom and expertise that helps greatly. He has been instrumental in helping encourage our recovery as parents as well. He uses a very holistic approach caring for the family as a whole. We are so grateful for Jeffrey for all he has done to help our family and our daughter.

Stacy & John R.
Rancho Santa Fe, California

William is 5 months sober today because of the time you took to answer my call in November last year. Thank you, thank you!

Robert L.
West Hollywood, California

If one needs an attorney with the courts for alternative sentences, an interventionist for the family and a friend in your darkest hours be it for yourself or a loved one, Jeff Merrick is your person.  We became friends in my quest to get my son some help with his court cases and to overcome some serious resistance my son had to the treatment he needed. Jeff is passionate in all he does, knows the 12 step program and was a total Godsend for myself and my son. Having someone like Jeff in my corner in those hours was truly a blessing.

Randy H.
Altadena, California

For years we have watched our son struggle with jobs, relationships, and general life management. We thought there might be a problem with alcohol and that an intervention could help, but we weren’t sure. We contacted Jeffrey Merrick initially just to have him help us decide if an intervention was necessary/appropriate. He guided us with many questions until it became quite obvious that alcohol was a serious problem.

Jeffrey met with us many times before the intervention (via Skype), guiding us along the process, helping us with book suggestions, video links, and helping us organize the details of the actual day. When the day came for the intervention, we felt VERY prepared and confident in our part. Jeffrey also with the other members of the intervention team, so they, also, knew exactly what was expected.

The first twenty minutes of the intervention were worth Jeff’s entire fee. He addressed my son (and the rest of us) with such compassion, understanding, and love, that he set the tone for the rest of the morning. We were all very nervous and stressed out, but he managed to keep everyone on track with his loving guidance, so that the intervention proceeded quite beautifully. Our son agreed he had a problem, and he and Jeff left that afternoon for the treatment program.

Jeff has continued to support us through the treatment period. We Skype’d with him almost every week, as he keeps us apprised of the recovery process, and what to expect in the future.

Jeffrey Merrick made an enormous difference in our lives. He is in recovery himself, so he really understands the disease of addiction. He is compassionate but firm, loving but smart; he doesn’t fall for any manipulations or lies. What a gift it has been to work with him, and to see our beautiful son get sober.

I highly recommend Jeffrey to anyone needing an interventionist. His background as a lawyer, a recovering user, and a compassionate heart make him ideal for this work.

Kay D.
Colorado Springs, Colorado

I want to tell you that in the most sincere way I can say via email, rather than in person, I don’t know how I would have survived and dealt with the past 3+ months without you. I have spoken and worked with many many professionals in the field of addiction and psychiatry in regards to [my daughter’s] extensive issues and no one has come close to helping me deal with all that’s evolved with addiction, legal and mental health issues. You have been wonderful. Thank you.

Melody T.
Boston, Massachusetts

Without the help, caring, and love of Jeffrey Merrick, my son would not be alive today. My son was on his final downward spiral in his horrible addiction. My husband and I had tried everything known to man to help our son. Nothing worked. No rehab, doctor or medication could get through to him. Tragically, my husband was killed in a plane crash ten days after our son turned 20 years old. My worst fears were realized as my son went totally over the edge.

Jeff was recommended to me and I called him immediately. He took charge right away, was honest with me about what was going to happen and what I would need to do to help get my son to one last rehab. Though both my son and I were struggling with our broken hearts, I had to be strong and turn my son over to Jeff and what he said to do. It was so hard. My son fought Jeff at every turn. I had to hang the phone up on my son and tell him not to call me again unless he listened to Jeff. I couldn’t have done what I did without Jeff guiding me everyday and helping me stay strong. I had called Jeff to help my son, but he helped me as well, and just as much.

Jeff got him on a plane and flew with him to Florida. He took him to a wonderful rehab that deals with grief as well as addiction. We just celebrated his first year of being sober in five years. I have spoken with Jeff several times and we have emailed and kept in touch over this last year. Jeff is in it all the way with the families that he helps. He has many resources and shares them with you. I highly recommend Jeff to anyone who needs his services. You couldn’t have a better friend in your corner and he will do anything in his power to help you and your loved one.

Mary C.
Raleigh, North Carolina

We know first hand how attuned Jeff is to his clients, possessing a great deal of empathy tempered with intellect, background and forward thinking. We have the highest praise for this man!

Sandi & John C.
Roanoake, Virginia

My family and I have been blessed to work with Jeff for the last seven months. My family reached out to Jeff to hold an intervention for my drug addiction and get me into a treatment facility. Jeff has been supportive of my journey the whole way through and goes above and beyond to stay in touch with my family and keep them updated and answer any questions they may have. He also helped me with legal issues I had hanging over my head and worked to make sure my record stayed as clean as possible. Jeff is personable, compassionate, and invested in his clients’ lives, and never fails to inspire and encourage. I am honored to know him and I would highly recommend Jeff to anyone.

Amanda L.
Costa Mesa, California

Jeff’s knowledge and support as I was going through a difficult legal matter was superb and simply the best! He was always responsive and looking out for my best interest and how to further help me during a difficult time. I am forever grateful for Jeff and what he has done for me.

Lane B.
Ventura, California

James Russell Lowell said, “All God’s angels come to us disguised”. Our angel appeared in the guise of legal counsel for our son’s transgressions; as a sober coach for our son; as an interventionist, and as a caring advocate. Jeffrey Merrick possesses the gifts of keen intuition and immense empathy. His words soothe a tortured heart, and his messages lift downtrodden spirits. Jeffrey  lives his own personal life in recovery, which enriches his impact on those whose lives have been wrecked by addiction. From our initial contact with this extraordinary man, we felt an intense connection. Jeffrey continues to play a multi-faceted role in the recovery of our son and supports us in our own personal healing. His law profession, intervention training, personal insight, and amazing talents have each surfaced at just the precise moment of need.

Greg & Linda G.
Kansas City, Missouri

Jeffrey Merrick is truly an angel in my life! I was referred to Jeffrey and right away I knew he would have my best interests at heart. He is passionate, dedicated, and responsive. He is always checking in with me to make sure I’m keeping up with my DUI classes and other terms. I came to Jeffrey with a pretty bad DUI case, a hit and run and crashed into 3 cars. Jeffrey got the hit and run charge dropped and now all I’m having to do is a few classes. I know people with similar cases and they are doing WAY more than I am. Jeffrey is very quick and very sharp, and not only that I have built a great relationsip with him because unlike most attonerys I can actually talk to him which is absolutely amazing! In addition to being a wonderful attorney, he also went far beyond my expectations by genuinely expressing concern for what I was experiencing. I could go on and on about him but once you talk to him in the first minute you will know he’s the one you want.

Amanda E.
Santa Monica, California

Jeffrey Merrick assisted our family when my son was the victim of a serious crime. He represented my son with the court process which can be very intimidating. Using his extensive legal background, he counseled my son with his testimony so that he gave a truthful and clear testimony which assisted the prosecuting attorneys make their case successfully. Jeffrey is an excellent attorney with great compassion.

Ron D.
Los Angeles, California

Wow where to start … Six months ago my family received a strong recommendation from a very esteemed residential treatment center to work with Jeffrey Merrick. I was beyond my rock bottom, and the last thing I wanted was another clinical stranger passing their judgments on me, my decisions and my illness. To top off all of that, a global pandemic had just unfolded. I felt like I was drowning in unknowns, but it is without exaggeration that I say Jeff has been an anchor through it all. Not only did he meet me exactly where I was mentally, he brought me to higher ground using his impeccable network of his own experiences, relevant colleagues, comprehensive understanding of sobriety in Los Angeles, and unmatched emotional intelligence and empathy. Today I am not only six months sober, but the epicenter of a wonderful community of folks who have shown me how to genuinely care about myself — and it all started with Jeff.

Drew M.
Brentwood, California

About one year ago my son entered a rehab for drug and alcohol abuse and was doing quite well.  Unfortunately, he relapsed after being clean for nine months and had legal problems stemming from his relapse –  so I was referred to Jeffrey Merrick, Attorney and Interventionist.   Immediately during our initial conversation I was impressed by Mr Merrick’s calm mannerism yet “direct approach to the facts on hand” attitude. He was straightforward, explaining what to expect regarding the case, and at the same time he was positive, professional, and reassuring, always returning a phone call ASAP -how rare is this!  His knowledge of the law, in addition to his understanding compassion of the circumstances was such a comfort.  He is an articulate, confident and smart, as well as a unique individual, giving his time, skills, effort and guidance to my son and all the family with kindness.  Mr Merrick has helped initiate a “real” change in my son’s attitude, and has encouraged him through the ups and downs of his addiction. This is something you ordinarily do not find in an attorney –  just as I previously mentioned “a unique individual”.

Donna N.
Brooklyn, New York

Jeffrey did a very good job assisting my family in finding placements (rehabs) for a member of my family who desperately needed help. Jeffrey was always available to provide his support, knowledge and research into our best options. He put in extra time helping us especially during stressful times.

Jeffrey was compassionate as he listened to our families needs. Through his resourcefulness he was able to find the best placements and care for our family member who needed help.He still continues his support for my family whenever we need it.

We highly recommend Jeffrey as an interventionist and sober support person.

Shelly R.
Marina Del Rey, California

Our son has struggled over the years from serious mental health and substance abuse disorders.  He was facing criminal charges and was in custody in Orange County recently for a theft that occurred during a complete mental breakdown.  Jeff Merrick came highly recommended to us as someone who would help not just with the legal issues but who was also knowledgeable about how the legal issues intersect with both addiction and mental disorders. Together we were able to bridge our son to much needed treatment, and the case was ultimately dismissed in exchange for the continuing care our son’s long-term recovery still very much depends on. Jeff was able to maximize alternative sentencing options, promote ongoing treatment and build strategic partnerships with my son’s treatment team, the Court and the District Attorney. We would not have been able to navigate both the out-of-state court system or the mental health system without his guidance and advocacy.  He is a committed and knowledgeable advocate for his client’s care, and understands the importance of family health and wellness to recovery.  We would recommend Jeff highly to anyone needing his assistance.

Dana H.
Nashville, Tennessee

My brother-in-law was a struggling crack addict who was in denial about his situation and unwilling to seek treatment. He didn’t recognize the negative effects of his behavior on himself and others. Jeff Merrick, as an interventionist, presented a structured opportunity to make changes before things got even worse. Jeff’s resolve along with his knowledge and compassionate caring nature for both the team members and patient were outstanding.

Jeff plans out the process and keeps everyone informed as to their duties and responsibilities.He gathers information, builds an intervention team, and helps them to decide on specific consequences.

Communications between Jeff and team members is an integral part of the process.He manages the process and gets team members thinking along the same lines when it comes to consequences. He is always there to answer questions and explain what will happen next in the intervention process.

I’m happy to report my brother-in-law has been drug free for almost one year, and is working and contributing to society. Without Jeff, the outcome would have been far different.

Steve A.
Palos Verdes, California

Jeff was my interventionist and criminal defense attorney five years ago. When we met I was utterly defeated and my parents were horrified and heartbroken. Not only did Jeff personally talk me off of several ledges, he supported my parents and made the legal process less scary. I was a convicted felon with several open cases in multiple counties but Jeff was able to work out a deal where all of my cases were closed and past felonies expunged. Today I am almost five years sober and I have no criminal record whatsoever. I got a second chance at life. I love this man and will sing his praises always.

Laurel H.
Los Angeles, California

I am the father of an adult addict who could not control his addiction. My son died at the age of 25 from an overdose. I want to let people in need know that Jeffrey Merrick is without a doubt the best source of quality information in regards to addictions. He has helped my family during the insanity and after the death of my son. Jeff has also been a true friend for my three other children, allowing them to be able to gain their trust in him as they now often call on his kindness and understanding to help them through these hard times. Jeff has been a beacon of light in the darkest times for me and was a champion for my son before his death. He handled all legal matters that inherently become a reality as the disease of addiction progresses. I would recommend Jeff to any friend or family member sooner rather than later.

Thomas P.
Fresno, California

We immediately saw Jeff Merrick’s passion for helping recovering addicts get their lives back on track. He took the time to explain what we could expect every step of the way. His knowledge, humor, and genuine concern for both of us and our daughter greatly helped us through a very difficult situation. Jeff was able to work through several courts to get multiple charges and sentences cleared up for our daughter. We were extremely happy with the outcome and highly recommend his services to anyone.

Jane & Rick P.
Newport Beach, California

When my sister and I realized that our brother was an addict we were devastated. We had no idea how to handle the situation. We were terrified. We got busy networking and by the grace of God we found Jeff. He spent several hours with us evaluating my brother’s needs and helping us find the appropriate treatment program for him. Jeff guided and coached us as a family into stronger boundaries, and as a united team we had a successful intervention. We were able to break through my brother’s denial and resistance, put real consequences into place, and offer him treatment as the only solution. My brother agreed to enter treatment, came to understand we would only support him in recovery and he is still sober today. I don’t know what we would have done without Jeff. He was there for all of us any time we needed him, and almost a year later, he still is. I will always be grateful to Jeff for saving my brother’s life.

Paula A.
Los Angeles, CA

Jeffrey was my defense attorney on a few cases I had in different counties. These charges came at a time when I was really struggling with my sobriety. Jeffrey helped me get the cases resolved and off my record. He also gave me support while I was in treatment. Now I work in the recovery field myself and often recommend his services to clients with legal issues.

Marike B.
West Hollywood, California